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9 Responses to “Random Interview – Tina Glasneck”

  • Sofie Couch

    Excellent interview. That excerpt gave me chills when I read it in the book, and renewed chills re-reading it here.

  • Tina Glasneck

    Thanks Sofie for stopping by and leaving a comment!
    I’m pleased to know that this scene gave you a visceral response! 🙂

    I try to present something different with each interview, and am extremely grateful for Michelle and Reesa giving me this opportunity.

  • Lisa Lauer

    Another excellent job. The interview was fantastic and seemed to very much reflect your personality.
    Keep up the good work, my Friend.

  • Kathleen Kaska

    Great review. Your excerpt was so powerful!

  • Kathleen Kaska

    Great interview. Your excerpt was so powerful.

  • Tina Glasneck

    Thanks Lisa for your kind words! I want people to know me, and although I write a lot of “intense” scenes, there is still a lot of humor in me. Thanks for all of your support!

  • Tina Glasneck

    Thank you Kathleen! It means a lot to me for you and others to read my interview, take the time to respond and to give me great feedback.

    That particular scene is only the beginning. 🙂

  • Tina Glasneck

    A winner of one copy of THOU SHALL NOT, has been chosen. Kathleen Kaska is the lucky winner. I will be contacting her for the details.

    Thanks everyone for participating and leaving your encouraging comments. I appreciate them all!

    Keep Smiling,
    Tina Glasneck