Deep Space Dark Chocolate Raspberry Cupcakes

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5 Responses to “Deep Space Dark Chocolate Raspberry Cupcakes”

  • » Balticon and Magical Cupcakes Michelle and Reesa Write

    […] A Slipstream shortRecipesA Spot of Trouble Brown Sugar FrostingDeep Space Dark Chocolate FrostingDeep Space Dark Chocolate Raspberry CupcakesSpiced Peach CupcakesWant, Take, Have: A Slipstream short storyThe Slipstream Con – Chapter 1 […]

  • Dominika

    You didn’t say when to add a pint of raspberries!

  • Reesa

    Actually, it’s there in step #5. 🙂 You don’t mix them into the batter, you put whole raspberries into the cupcakes right before you bake them.

  • Dominika

    It only mentions 1 or 2 raspberries per cupcake, that’s why I didn’t see where the pint was meant to go. I put a layer of raspberries in the middle of each cupcake and it came out delicious! Thanks for the inspiration 🙂

  • Reesa

    Ah, my apologies. Didn’t mean to be confusing! Sounds like your cupcakes were good, though!