Interviewed at Selena Robins’s Blog

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7 Responses to “Interviewed at Selena Robins’s Blog”

  • Fedora

    Great interview, Reesa and Michelle! If I could get away with it, I’d love to sneak off somewhere secluded with the better part of my TBR… Calgon, take me away! ;p

  • Fedora

    Oops, am I supposed to leave my e-mail address?

    f dot chen at comcast dot net

    And I do like to see that progress meter sneaking across for Peripheral People… go, you two!

  • Reesa

    Thanks, Fedora! That -would- be a caper worth pulling off, wouldn’t it?

  • Reesa

    I just updated the progress meter, too. We’re getting there. Thanks for the encouragement!

  • Fedora

    Sweet! And of course curious minds and all–is The Memory Keeper a stand-alone?

  • Reesa

    The Memory Keeper is a stand-alone, entirely outside the Ylendrian Empire. It’s set in a dystopian future earth.

  • Fedora

    Ooh… OK, that sounds completely too interesting, too–please write faster, you two! 😉